The 10-Round GamesMaster Challenge

Remember Gamesmaster? I know I do. Ever thought you could do the challenges better than those who actually did said challenges? Yup, me too. So, I'm going to scour the first few series for some ideas for challenges, and try to beat them myself. Either be successful where others failed, or be MORE successful where others where successful. I don't know, beat their score or time or something. I'll be looking through for some of these shortly and working on progress of these, hopefully in video form, to present here. It could be interesting.

Eat Bedfordshire Super Naga Chillis

Due to massive time constraints and stuff, I didn't get around to actually doing this challenge. So I cheated and decided to film myself eating 2 Bedfordshire Super Naga Chillis in a couple of sandwiches instead.

Purely for your entertainment, of course.